Tuesday, May 27.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Thorne and Co. Westminster, brewers; as far as re- gards J. Buckle-J. and W. Price, Dowlais, Glamorganshire, drapers-Clark and Bringloe, Charles Place, Kennington, upholsterers-Bayner and Hutton. Liverpool, commission-agents-Trewman and Bellerby, Exeter, printers-Usher and Brown, Keswick, black-lead-pencil-manufacturers-E. and G. Brown, Boston, bookbinders -Heron and Lingard, Manchester, stock-brokers-Ardill and Milner, Leeds, card- makers-J. and J. Eastwood, Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers-Lloyd and Tattersall, Heywood, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-Jones and Co. Manchester, woollen-drapers-Cross and Brown, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Richardson and Sons, Middleton Iron Works, Durham, en rine-builders-Beaton and Cuff, Castle Cary, Somersetshire, butchers-Bain and Johnston, Greenock, and Baine, Johnston, and Co. St. John's Newfoundland, merchants ; as far as regards W. Baine-J. and W. Ritson and Ritson and Ward, Vale of Neath Railway, railway-contractors.
BANE.RUPTCIRS ANNOLLED.—RICHARD ELLIs, Richmond Street, Soho, carpenter- RICHARD JACKSON, Selby, tanner.
BANKRUPTS-DAVID BURBERRY, Newdigate, Surrey, wood-dealer, to surrender June 10, July 10: solicitors, Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee, Bell. Coleman Street Buildings-FREDERICK Itonneen, Croydon, schoolmaster, June 5, July 11: solicitors, Lowles and Nelson, Hatton Court, Threadneedle Street; official assignee, Carman, Bircbin Lane-CHARLEs CHAPLIN, Sudbury, printer, June 4, July 1: solicitors, Thorndike and Smith, Staple Inn ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street-WILLIAM WATSON, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, victualler, June 5, July 11: solicitor, Holt, Chatham Place, Blackfriars; official assignee, Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street-WALTER Loan Box= GRANVILLE, Red Lion Square, agricultural-im- plement-maker, June 10, July 8: solicitor, Tripp, Adelaide Place, London Bridge; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-RICHARD Moons:, Ash Church Villas, Ham- mersmith, commission-agent, June 10, July 8 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-ROBERT CRAIG, Bryn- mawr, Breconshire, draper, June 11, July 9: solicitor, Bevan, Bristol; official assig nee, Hutton, Bristol-JAMES Conn, Preston, innkeeper, June 6, 26: solicitors, Blackhurst and Son, Preston ; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester.
DIVIDENDS.—June 19, Warcup, Broadway, Deptford, ironmonger-June 14, Ful- ham, Broxbourne, plasterer-June 14, Knell, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, timber-mer- chant-June 14, Watts, St. Ives, scrivener-June 20, D'Oyley, Moreton, Gloucester- shire, scrivener-June 23, Boy-le jun. Hull, merchant.
CERTIFICATES.—To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-June 19, W. M. Dowell, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, printer -June 19, Oadesden, Brompton Square, coal-merchant-June 14, Coltman, Regent Street, court milliner-June 16, Hawley, Woolwich, grocer-June 16, Astle and Co. Coleman Street, bookbinders-June 19, 51'Lean, Liverpool, commission-merchant- July 2, Walker, Eastrington, Yorkshire, sacking-manufacturer-June 19, Wilson, Preston, merchant-June 18, Fletcher, Haslingden, Lancashire, hardware-dealer- June 18, Holland, Preston, tallow-chandler-June 19, Blacker, Ripon, innkeeper
- June 24, Browne, Newcastle-under-Lyne, wine-merchant.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—Southgate and Robertson, Fleet Street, auc- tioneers; first div. of Is.; together with first div. of Ils. 2d. on separate estate of Southgate, on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Sneezum, Rupert Street, Coventry Street, builder ; first div. of ld. Thursday next, and three following ThiRsdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Orchard, West Smithfield, rick-tent-manufacturer ; first div. of 8d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Moore, South Wharf Road, Padding- ton, stone-merchant; first div. of 3s. 4d. May 29, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-J. B. and G. A. Pillin, Featherstone Buildings, Hol- born, sword-cutlers ; first div. of Is. May 29, and three following Thursdays ; Stens- feld, Street-Godsmark jun. Crosby Row, Walworth Road, grocer; first div. of 94d. May 29, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Durant, Stogursey, Sornersetshire,: grocer; div. of 4s. on new proofs, any Tuesday and Friday; Hernaman, Exeter. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.—Campbell, Beauly, Inverness-shire, grocer. June 2, 30
- Glasgow, metal-broker, June 2, 23-Gow, Edinburgh, grain-merchant, June .5, July 3-Leitch, Crieff, writer, June 2, 24--Lotted, Glasgow, musical-instru- ment-maker, June 2, 18-Smith, Edinburgh, tailor, May 30, June 20.
Friday, May 30.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—The Strines Printing Company, Manchester, calico- printers; as far as regards E. Robinson-Barton and Co. Manchester, calico-print- ers; as far as regards E. Robinson-J. and R. Edgar, Whitehaven, silversmiths- Taylor and Co. Denton, Manchester, hat-manufacturers-Allen and Slatter, Ban- bury, ironmongers-Dickinson and Co. Manchester, calico-manufacturers-Renwick and Kirkup, Shitlington, Northumberland, drain-manufacturers-Thornton and Fos- ter, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers-Armstrong and Johnson, Laurence Lane, accountants-Pinto and Co. Crutchedfriars; as far as regards T. F. Pinto- Obbard and Clarkson, Old Street Road, glass-merchants-Wilson and Cooke, Great George Street, Westminster, engineers-Frogatt and Templeton, Ashton-under- Lyne, grocers-T. and E. Thomas, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, ironmongers- Fulcher and Gifford, Osborn Street, Whitechapel, wine-merchants-Bough and Mil- burn, Carlisle, builders-Murphy and Harris, Frederick Place, Hampstead Road, linen-drapers-Allen and Hunt, Stockport, timber-merchants-J. and H. J. Hart- ley, Brunswick Street, Hackney Road, printers-Williams and Halstead, Midup, Yorkshire, fire-brick-manufacturers-J. and T. Sykes, Halifax, woollen-manufac- tarers ; as far as regards J. Sykes. DECLARATION OF INSOLVENCY.—J. H. CHUNE, Madeley, Shropshire, miller.
BANKnorrs.-JOHN HAMMOND HUNT, Silver Street, warehouseman, to surrender June 10, July 10: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, John- son, Basingliall Street -GEORGE COURTHOPE, Paradise Row, Rotherhithe, coal-mer- chant, June 12, July 11: solicitors, Newbon and Evans, Doctors' Commons; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-ROBERT CLEAVER, Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Warwickshire, timber-dealer, June 9, July 7 : solicitor, Elkington, Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-WILLIAM HENZEY BOND, Briefly Hill, Staf- fordshire, wine-merchant, June 9, July 7 : solicitor, Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Birmingham-JAMES CLARK, Exeter, builder, June 11, July 22: solicitors, Stogdon, and Geare and Co. Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter- ROGER HORTOP, Stoke Damerel, Devonshire, innkeeper, June 19, July 17: solicitor, Elworthy, Plymouth ; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-D.111D ;lox WYArr and EI.IZA UNDERWOOD, Bristol, hat-manufacturers, June 10, July 8: solicitor, Salmon, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-Josh Scorr and JOHN Scorr jun. North Shields, ship-owners, June 13, July 16 : solicitors, Bell and Co. Bow Church- yard ; Chafers, Newcastle-upon-Tyre; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon- y n e -RicHARD MAYOR, Bolton-le-Moors, grocer, June 19, July 4: solicitor, Tyrer, Liverpool; official assignee, Lee, Manchester.
DIvnitRDO.-June 20, Chittenden, Church Street, Paddington, draper-June 20, Warwick and Clagett, Billiter Square, merchants-June 20, Hodge and Culpin, New Oxford Street, tailors-June 20, Lackersteen, Moorgate Street, merchant-June 20, Macnin, Finsbury Circus, merchant-June 21, Greenhow and Foster, Old Street, rectifiers-June 24, Hamshar, Lofts, Essex, miller-June 24, J. and T. Laby, Bark- ing, coal-merchants-June 20, Ashworth, Nunhills, Lancashire, woollen-manufac- turer-June 20, T. and B. Butterworth, Greenbouth Mills, Rochdale, woollen- manufacturers-June 20. Dixon, Liverpool, grocer-June 20, Mocatta, Liverpool, commission-merchant-June 20, Taylor, Huddersfield, commission-agent-June 20, Firth, Leeds, linen-draper.
CERTIPICAT113.—TB be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of aceeting.-June 26, Thomson, Long Acre, India-rubber-bath-manufacturer-June 24, A.R. and 51.J. Hickman, Cannon Street Road, undertakers-June 24, Gracie, Bris- tol, woollen-draper-June 24, Mann, Warwick, victualler-June 24, Pearson, Kings- winford, Staffordshire, maltster-June 21, Moate, Misterton, innkeeper-June 21, Sheraton, Lenton, Nottinghamshire, cabinet-maker. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Ward, Brownlow Street, Drury Lane, coach- currier ; second div. of 4d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Flood and Lott, Honiton, bankers ; second div. of 18. 9d. any Tuesday; Hirtzel, Exeter- Seelie, Freesehool Street, llorselydown, rectifier ; second div. of 4s. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays' Groom, Abchurch Lane. Storm SEQUESTRATION.—Gilchrist, or Marshall, Edinburgh, cabinet-maker, June 5,26.