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TILE Royal Family, accompanied by their numerous foreign visitors, left Osborne for London on Monday morning.
The Prince and Princess of Prussia, Prince Frederick William, and the Princess Louisa, took leave of the Queen on Tuesday. Prince Albert ac- companied them to the London Bridge terminus. The Queen held a levee on Wednesday. It was more crowded than any levee for several years past. Many presentations took place in the Diplomatic circle ; including several noblemen and gentlemen officially connected with the Great Exhibition. Among the presentations in the general circle were these—Mr. Gilbert a'Beckett, Sir James Brooke, As- sistant Commissioner Carpenter, the Financial Officer of the Exhibition, Mr. Henry Cole, Mr. R. Gordon Cumming, Mr. C. Wentworth Mike, and several native Indian gentlemen; the last by Lord Broughton. The Earl of Roden presented three addresses from Ireland against the Papal aggression—one signed by fifty thousand persons. In the evening, the Queen gave a concert at Buckingham Palace, to which upwards of three hundred persons were invited. Mr. Alfred Ten- nyson and his wife, Mr. Samuel Rogers, and Dr. and Mrs. Whewell, were among the company. The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Crystal Palace on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday ; on Tuesday and Thursday evening they were pre- sent at the Royal Italian Opera, last night at the French Play. The Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, under the care of Mr. Birch, were at the Zoological Gardens on Tuesday, and at the Great Exhibition on Wednesday.