A telegraphic despatch, quoted in the official Gazette of Posen,
states that, at a ball held in the city of Warsaw, the Polish nobility being pre- sent, the Emperor of Russia announced that he had signed a general am- nesty, which was to extend to all the Polish refugees and emigrants, with the exception of a few noted individuals.
From Berlin, under date today, the telegraph reports that "an Im- perial ukase places the educational establishments of Russia under the
aperoes special superintendence. A draught plan for constituting a Board of Education, with the assistance of a committee of learned men, has been submitted to the Emperor."
Telegraphic advices from Constantinople of the 23d of May state, that 1‘ the Princes Vogorides and Virtaledes, the Armenians Dadia:n and Mihram Bey, the Protestant Stephen Bey, and the Hebrew Hatom, have for the time being a seat and voice in the Medjlis Council. The excite- ment at Serajewo, the capital of Bosnia, in consequence of the building of a church-steeple, has been suppressed."
A telegraphic message from Madrid, dated May 29, states that "a naval force, consisting of two ships of the line, three frigates, two cor- vettes, and four steam-boats, is destined to proceed to the Gulf of Mexico."