31 MAY 1856, Page 15


T. genuine Tory cavalier has found a new object for his chi- valrous protection; Erst it was "the King, God bless him " ; then it was Church and King ; next the British Farmer. The monarchy has made a shift to stand although the Georges have gone and the Reform Bill is an antique ; neither Church is swept away nor State, although we have repealed the Test Act and emancipated the Catholics ; the British Farmer has survived the repeal of the Corn-laws. It is strange that the chivalry of Tory- ism never rescues its victim, but the danger disappears with proximity. Toryism did not save King Charles, nor destroy Oliver Cromwell, nor maintain the protection of the British farmer ; but the monarchy got a new charter under the Whig Bill of Rights, and the farmer has found emancipation from distress under the Peel-Cobden statute. Toryism is at _present a chivalry without a mission. It bethought itself for a clay of setting up the Carlton Club as its protégé ; but the idea was abandoned for fear of overlaying a child which is out to nurse from the failure of the maternal supply. The order was devoid of a quest, until Mr. Spooner struck out the new idea.

Mr. Spooner is alarmed at the subversive measure of Mr. Lowe for establishing commercial republics under the name of joint- stock companies. It is free trade in partnership, and Spooner foresees the consequences. The joint-stock will crush the private trader. " Conceive," he cries, a company of grocers ! " What is to become of "the individual grocer " ?

This is the new Tory Protectionist protege—" the individual Grocer." The toast of the British Farmer" has given place to that new watchword of Protectionist gatherings. It will come after "the Army and Navy." The Agricultural Society, at the emmtry inn, no longer available for the uses of political distress, will be replaced_ by the tradesman's dinner at the gin palace ; the noble antagonists of "unrestricted competition, will annually dine for the salvation of trade; • they will give a taglioni and one sovereign to that shopman who has attained the age of thirty-five without marrying; and they will cheer the eloquent chairman who shall draw tears from every eye in propohing with three times three up-standing, "the Individual Grocer." We foresee the election devices which interweave the new idea with the political principles of the party or the names of the candidates—" The Throne and the Shop I" "Grocers, arise, or be for ever fallen ! " " Church and Treacle ! " "Derby, the Grocer's Friend 1" " Vote for Disraeli and Raisins ! " "Spooner and the Individual Grocer ! " Popular favourites always get a fond niokname, and, at the dictate of the grateful tea-dealer., the grocer-dealing Bri- tish public will most certainly name their leader in the new sal- vation movement, Tea-Spooner.