The new President deClares his intention, "with the aid of
God and the devotion of the Army, which will always be an army of the law, and the supporter of all honest men," to
restore moral order throughout the country,"—but we conclude he means, as the Army is so specially appealed to, by physical means. He declares, however, to the prefects of departments, that "no change shall be made in the existing laws or national institu- tions," and there is every reason to hope that the sturdy old soldier will not be very malleable in the hands of either Orlean- ista, Bonapartista, or Legitimists. Ile has formed a Ministry of which the Due de Broglie, who accepts the portfolio of Foreign Affairs, is, we suppose, the head. The effect of the shock upon the Extreme Left has been sobering. They have come to their senses,—the most violent journals have mode- rated their tone, —and the wiser leaders have regained their ascendancy. They have put out to the country a declaration of their solemn belief that " there exist in the Assembly the necessary elements of the formation of a majority capable of with- standing the Government in any reactionary attempts," and they urge the utmost calmness and legality on their party. In fact, the Left issue from the douche of reactionary eloquence with cooler heads and stronger nerves than before.