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PieeNoathenn a:German Raider. By F. G. Trayes. (Headley 13tetbere, 3s, 61 net.)—In September 1917, Mr. Troyes sailedfrom Singapore in the Japanese steamer Hitachi Main.' Ten days out from Singapore the ship was captured by the German raider ` Wolf,' a prize crew put on board, and the passengers made prisoners. Coal became very scarce; the ' filtachi Marts' was sunk after a few weeks, and the unhappy prisoners were trans• ferred first to the ' Wolf' and later to another prize, the Spanish ship Igotz- Mendi.' After five months of captivity relief came. in a dramatic form, for the Igotz Mendi,' en route for Kiel "and Ruhlebeu " cid Iceland, was wrecked near Skagen. Mr. Trayes gives a most graphic account of his experiences. He seems to have little complaint against the attitude of the Germans, but the conditions on board the ' Wolf,' crowded with prisoners even before the Japanese prize was taken, were insufferable.