Becoming more emphatic as he went on, Mr. Lloyd George
declared that " our production of high explosives has been placed on a footing which relieves us of all anxiety and enables us to supply our Allies" His culmination of enthusiasm and optimistic emphasis was reached when ho finally declared that "Feat things have been done—I think wonderful things." For our part, we think Mr. Lloyd George was than saying exactly what he believed to be true. In the spring of 1915 a large part of the mechanism of the country was already being adapted to the production of munitions. The creation of the Ministry of Munitions may or may not have bean helpful .in administra- tion, but the policy of enormously increased production was already launched. People prove that they are very easily imposed upon if they believe that the Ministry of Munitions suddenly and magically produced shells and guns where pre- viously hardly any had been provided for.