31 MAY 1935, Page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In No. 5578 of Friday, May 24th, 1935, of your appre- ciated paper you have an article : News of the Week, The Czech Elections. You spoke of Konrad Henlein's party.: " the . . . party, known technically for electoral purposes as the South German party." Obviously this must be a completely misleading translation. The, name of this party is derived from " Sudetendeutschland," viz., the Deutschland of the Sudeten. This is the name of the mountains where most of those people are living.

The South German party cannot be found in whole Czecho- slovakia. There is no Sueddeutsche Partei," as it must be translated from south German party. I hope you will not be angry that I write this letter, but I had the impression that there must have taken place a change by mistake between the words : Sudetendeutsch and Sueddeutsch, and you have translated not sudeten, but siiddeutsch with southern German.—I remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully, ANDB.EAS DAMMANN. [We are grateful for the correction. Our note was based on the lists given in a daily paper that is usually particularly reliable in such matters.—En. The Spectator.]