Not .the least interestipefeattire during the past week has i
been the spurt n the Preference stock, of Cable and Wireless (itniding),-Ltd. The latest annual report showed a consider-. able: iinprbvement , in earnings with fbriber ecOniant: -working expenses.- • The chief cause of the the- -PieterOnee stock, lioWevei, was due to the fact -:tti# the -binirinan, Mr. Denison-Pender, made a preliniinary. anhOnneetnent of an imfiending olfer on the part ccittipany to purchase from •the Prefeeence stockholderi-Ofii-' thlid or-their holdings:- The • company's earnings, hisve TOL.: seine-yeats-; been gravely affected by the general: trade: daloessio, and arrears of interest on the Pr iferencie stock:, are considerable. By the present proposals- the dilielorit (Continued on page 95S:)
Financial Notes
(Continued from page 956.) ease the position from the Preference stockholders' point of View, while ultimately the company should benefit by the reduction in the amount outstanding of 54 per cent. Preference stock. The proposal will be made possible by the company's very large holdings of realizable investments.
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