31 MAY 1946, Page 25

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ACROSS I. To read or not to read, that is the question. (8.) 5. Architectural support. (6.) D. Used, like charity, on the ceiling and elsewhere. (9.) 1. Time-honoured Lancaster. (5.) 2. Prophetic marine address. (5.) 3. Not able to make half a score? (9.) 4. Where to get first rated. (6.) 6. Sarah gets round always. (7.) o. The angel changes with Inc. (7.) I. Bubbles from Keats. (6.) 4. He producqd a patent toe. (9.) 6. "She was a - when she went to school." (Shakespeare.) (5.) F. It's simply absurd. (5.) 5. Ship from old Portugal and Spain. (9.) c. "I was more than half-stewed in - like a Dutch dish." (Shake- spearc.) (6.)

7. Yours may be requested. (8.)

DOWN 1. Not Broadcasting House, but broad- cast building. (4, 4.) Guiding organs. (5.) F. Call it a day! (9.)

4. It is seen in a shop a queue is be-

seiging. (6.) E. It -may just function, or be read or played. (5.) 7. A dose shave, and he 14 ould become anonymous. (9.) E. It's capital to begin with. (6.) 9. It may make an instantaneous ex- posure, or take time. (7.) 15. Yonder in martial music. (4, 5.) 17. Weakens. (9.) 18. Gin, alas, is the source of them. (7.) 19. The ex-minister overcomes the gallery. (8.)

22. "The canker galls the infants of the -." (Shakespeare.) (6.)

23. Does it imply more for the tenant? (6.)

25. Set on- from below. (5.)

27. Element which makes none rise at

ten. (5.)