SIR,—Has the time not come when this unsavoury subject should be decently interred? Roger Casement was not executed because of the uncertain .evidence as to whether he was responsible for the Diaries that have been produced, but because in a time of acute national crisis he acted treacherously to Great Britain.
His record in connection with the Putnmayo Cocoa Scandals earned hint the respect of all good-thinking citizens, but his subsequent conduct made the sen- tence inflicted upon him inevitable. As to whether he was then certifiably insane or not is not a provable question, but it is certain that the German authorities at that time believed him to be either a British espionage agent or quite mad. No impartial critic doubts for a moment the wisdom of the decision. of the various Home Secre- taries not to publish the Diaries, but in any event it shoOld be recognisedihhat they have no hearing on the case that wiis hedd at 'his trial. Wisdom counsels the abandonment of any further action on this subject.—Yours faithfully,
Whitewel,"Adderstone Crescent, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2
[Sir Angus Watson is mistaken in thinking that it is merely Casement's reputation which is in question: it is also the reputation of 'the Home Office and of such men as the late Lord Birkenhead. And it is not the publication of, the documents which has been requested but, their investigation; the Home Office's refusal Of 'this and other requests cannot but seem sin ister.—Ed tor„S'pectator.]