The Opposition in France are divided as to the way
in which they should proceed in annoying the Government, when the Chambers open, by voting against the Budget. Some are for voting against the supplies altogether, others for opposing them in detail. The former seems the more rational way, if it be really meant to have recourse to so strong measures. We rather doubt the strength of the Liberals, and have no reliance on their firmness. Private letters ,state that a censure on the Ministers will be inserted in the address to the King, of which no notice will be taken. The royal CHARLES is said to be very resolved. His last words on the subject (at least as they are re- ported) were—" J'agis et je ne cesserais d'agir dans les int6rets de la relieion et de la royauto. Point de concessions!" This is a very kingly speech, but the Ministry are not quite so bold. They are said to be willing to sacrifice LA BOURDONNAYE and BOURMONT, and to accept FERRONAYS and Hoc in their stead. Nay, Prince POLIGNAC is said to have offered the former the portefeuille of Foreign Affairs, and consented himself to accept the Presidency of the CounciL—re- taining, however, the Premiership. Notwithstanding all these rumours, we yet incline to the opinion that the Prince will face the Chambers, and try his fortune with them ; and if he must retire, that he and his colleagues will go out together. The Greek Government, according to a letter of M. DE LA HORDE, which has appeared in the Paris Journals, lately sent agents to Paris to entreat a continuance of that pecuniary support which France has for some time extended to Greece. The French Ministers, having in all probability nothing to spare at present, refused the customary aid —or half—or any part of it. Mr. EYNARD of Geneva, one of the en- voys, offered to advance one half; but the Ministersdeclined advancing the other. Then he offered to advance the whole, providing they would furnish the use of a vessel, for its transmission. Their reply has not yet been given to the public.