STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—There has not been much ex- citement during the week, and the over sanguine speculators for the rise
have been rather disappointed; as the closing price of Consols for Account, which was on Saturday last 914, was yesterday only 91i, and for Money 914. The opening price on Monday was the same as on Saturday, viz. Consols for Money 91f 4, and for the Account, 91 i4. On Tuesday the price fell a little, owing to extensive sales, partly in realization, and partly, as it is said, for the purpose of procuring Money to assist the manufacturers at Manchester and other manufacturing towns. From Tuesday until yesterday, the prices fluc- tuated slightly, but the business was not extensive. There have not been any political rumours to affect the Market, and even the stories about great financial measures have died away.
In the Foreign Market there has been little doing ; consequently the varia- tions in price have not been important. It is the opinion of the great brokers, however, that if attempts had been made to press large sales, there would have been a material depression in the prices. Brazilian Bonds, which on Monday opened at 66, were yesterday at 054, being a fall of nearly one per cent.; whilst Mexican Stock, which on Monday was at 20,, was yesterday at 21, notwithstanding unfavourable reports from Mexico. This Stock, how- ever, is so low, that there is, as the jobbers say, room in it for speculation. Danish Bonds are at 724; Greek 194; Peruvian 134; Portuguese 484; Prus- sian Iola I. The last quotation of Russian Stock was 1044; Austrian 1044. ONE o'ctocx.—There is very little doing in the Money Market this morn- ing. The following are the quotations.
Bank Stock, 2144 2154 Colombian, 8 per Cent. Reduced, 90t 3 Ditto, 1824,6 per Cent. 194 203 3 per Cent. Consols, 914 Danish, 3 per Cent. 724 1 34 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents. 1074 1084 $4 per Cent. Reduced, 004 Ditto a per Cents. New 4 per Cents. 1822, 103+ 3 Greek 5 per Cent. 194 20 4 per Cents. 1826, 1044 5 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 22 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan, 5 per Cent. .1860) Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 13 14 India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. 2224 2234 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 48,1. 49 South Sea Stock, div. 34 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 1044 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) 62 64 Spanish, 84 Exchequer Bins, (interest 2d. per cent. S FTAr.ES.
per diem,) 74 75 Angto-Mexican, 25/. '26.1.
Consols fox Account 914 + Brazilian, Imperial, 79/.
FOREIGN FUNDS. Real del Monte, 771.10s. sot.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Bolanos, 3651. 370/.
Brazilian Bonds, a per cent. 65 Colombian, 41. 51.
Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 23 25 United Mexican, 151.10s. 16/.