The Dutch Minister of Finance opened his budget to the
States. General on the 22d instant. He has a surplus of 100,000 florins —about 8,300/.1 and he proposes to reduce the unpopular poll-tax 10 per cent. A measure for imposing a graduated scale of duties on foreign corn has been proposed for the benefit of the farmers. This is a departure from what, if we mistake not, has been hitherto the almost uniform policy of the Dutch Government, and one principal cause of the nation's wealth. If there is any country in Europe which should avoid measures likely to cripple foreign commerce, it is Holland ; for how can she ever be any thing but a trading country ? Yet it is now proposed to inflict a serious injury on the great body of the people, with the view to benefit a small class of proprietors,—not that even this object will be attained, as the Dutch farmers will soon discover.