31 OCTOBER 1835, Page 7

Mr. Sharman Crawford, M. P., dined with a party of

200 Liberal friends, at Bangor, on the 21st.

Mr. Justice Torrens, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas, has been seriously indisposed at his residence in Mountjoy Square.

A prosecution has been instituted by the Stamp-office against the proprietors of Stewart's Telegraphic Despatch, a Dublin journal, for printing without stamps. The penalties sought amount to WO/. The paper has ceased to exist ; at least it has not been published since Satur- Coy lust.

The Lord. Lieutenant has offered a reward of 40/. for the discovery 0" the person: who so brutally beat the Reverend Mr. Stoney's steward, Alears, at the fair of Castlebar.