Notwithstanding the lugubrious vaticinations of Mr. M'Lellan and the anonymous
correspondent of the Duke of Wellington, the state of the finances of the city of Glasgow is creditable to the Reformed Town. Council. The expenditure of 1834 was 16,569/. 5s. 3d. ; the expenditure of 1835 is 13,074/. 7s. lid. The saving on expenditure, in one year, has been no less than 3494/. 17s. 1 ld. The revenue in 1834 was 15,707/. 2s. ld. ; the revenue this year amounts to 14,271k 10s. 2d. This reduction is caused by the suspension of the Ladle.. dues during the whole year—an item of 1458/., and by the suspension of the small dues for nine months-144/. If these two items had been added to the other collections, there would have been a return of 15,8731. 10s. 2d. In other words, there is an increase on the branches of the revenue collected of 1661. 8s. Id. The net stock of the Corpo- ration in 1834 was 133,654/. Is. 7d. ; this year it is 135,2281. 10s. 2d. The addition to the net stock is 1574/. 8s. 5d. This arises from— surplus revenue, 1197/. 2s. 3d. ; British Fishery Stuck recovered, 200!.; London Street, &c. 177/. 6s. 2d.—Glasgow Argus.