The premiums given by Lord Painnure to his tenantry in
the parishes of Edzell, Lethnot, and Lochlee, for their encouragement to rear good stock, were competed for sit Malden, on Thursday the 15th. The day being fine, much superior stock was shown ; and, in several cases, it required a good deal of discrimination to decide upon the best. In expectation that Lord Pat-insure would be at the show, a deputation from the parishes of Etizell, Letlinot, and Lochlee, were to have pre- sented him a silver punch-bowl ; which, in Isis absence, was delivered to Mr. Collier, his factor. There are four compartments delineated on the exterior of the bowl, which is elegantly embossed. On one compartment are engraved a bull and a cow of the Angus breed, and a ram arid ewe of the black-faced breed. The opposite compartment is filled with implements of husbandry. In a third compartment are the Painnure coat of arms; and the opposite one bears the following in- scription— " To William, Lonl Paumure, the most liberal of landlords, his tenantry of Edzell. Letlinut, mid Lochlee, dedicate this bowl. in grateful acknowledgment of his anxious desire to promote their happiness, and of his wish to realize his ofien-expressed senti- ment. ' Live and let live.' l,35."
Including his Lordship's tenantry and the strangers, more than eighty sat down to an excellent dinner, given by Lord Panmure, and provided by Mr. Walker from Brechin. Mr. Collier in the chair, and Messrs. Welsh and Inglis croupiers.—Caledonian Mercury.