In the Paris Court of Assize, on Wednesday, the editor
of the Charicari was found guilty of publishing, " in red ink," extracts from old journals, enumerating those who had fallen victims to the establish- ni,:nt of the Orleans dynasty : he was sentenced to two months' im- prisonment, and a fine of 3000 francs. The editors of the Quotidienne and the lion Sens were then tried, for publishing a French translation of an article that appeared in the English Sam The article was as libellous, according to the new law, as any thing yet published; but the defendants were acquitted,—prin- cipally in consequence of the eloquent defence and the " antecedents " of M. CAUCHOIS LEMAIRE, editor of the Bon Sens. In 1828, this gentleman, then a proprietor of the Constitutionnel, published a letter pointing out the Duke of ORLEANS, now King, as the WILLIAM the Third of France. For this offence he was sent to prison ; and was liberated just before the Revolution of the Barricades : be was offered it pension and a place by Lours PHILIP, which he re- fused ; and the Jury were ashamed to send such a man again to prison under the government of the same Louts PHILIP.