A deputation from the Metropolitan Municipal Association, headed by Lord
Elcho, and accompanied by the Duke of West- minster, waited, on Wednesday, on the Home Saretary. They. presented "Lord Elcho's Bill," which spreads the authority of the City Corporation, reinforced by the Metropolitan Board, over all London, as defined by the Metropolitan Police Act, and urged Mr. Cross to take up the Bill as a Government measure. Mr. Cross was very civil, complimented them for having "thought out" their plan, and for embodying it in a Bill, but mentioned that very large and wide questions were raised by it, which be could not discuss, "as a Minister of the Crown," except at great length. He was willing to hear all they had to say, but beyond that, "they must excuse him for not saying another word." If the deputation had been eager, this would have been disappointing ; but they were probably not very eager, the unification of London Government being more of a counsel of perfection, strongly advocated by leading reformers, than a truly popular cry.