THE seventh annual meeting of the members of Allied Industrial Ser- vices, Limited, was held at Netherwood Chambers, Bradford, on October -24th, 1941.
The Secretary (Mr. C. Gordon Slaker, C.A.) read the notice con- vening the meeting. The minutes of the last annual general meeting held on Septem- ber 27th, 1940, were read and signed.
It was resolved that the directors' report and accounts and the auditors' report thereon as laid before the meeting be taken as read.
Mr. W. H. Rhoda, who uresided, said: Ladies and gentlemen, following the procedure inaugurated last year, I have again deemed it advisable to issue my stmedi concurrently with the distribution of the company's accounts and directors' and auditors' reports. During the year under review the demand for the services which we provide has increased and our manufacturing departments have been well em- ployed. To cope with the additional demands a small addition to our factories has been completed during the year, equipped with the re- quisite plant, and is now in pioducnon. After making full provision for our contribution in respect of war damage insurance and for depreciation of the company's properties, plants, &c., the account for the year show a trading profit of £237,993, out of which £zo,000 has been transferred to general reserve, land the sum of £16o,000 set aside to meet the heavy demands of taxation. The net result is a balance of profits for the yea' of £67,993, which your board considers satisfactory in view of the difficult trading con- ditions under which your company's activities have been conducted.
Since I last addressed you many more of our employees have been called to H.M. Forces, anti the loss of their valued services throws a severe strain and resnonsibihty upon those who remain with us, but I can assure you that every endeavour will be made by your directors, staff and workpeople to maintain the company's services and supplies at their present high standard. •
The report and accounts were unanimously adopted and a resolu- tion was passed confirming the payment of the preference dividends for the two half-years to Tune 30th, 1941, and the interim .rdinary dividend already paid and sanctioning a final dividend of 21 per cent. (actual) for the year, naking 3o pei cent. for the year, less tax.
The retiring director was re-elected and the auditors were re-appointed. and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the directors and staff.