On the 25th ult., the Hon. Mrs. KING, Rectory House, Henley-on-Thames, of a SOU. On the 57th ult., at the Vicarage, East Brad, Somersetshire, the Hon. Mrs. WILLIAM Towav Law, of a sou.
On the 1st inst., in Harley Street, Cavendish Square, the Lady of the Venerable Archdeacon AUSTIN, of British Guiana, of a daughter. The Lady of J. J. WAKEHLT:ZST Psvrox, Esq., of Wakehurst Place and the Grove, Sasses, of a son and heir.
On the 31st ult., in Berkeley Square, the Lady of ABEL Sutra, Esq.. M.P., of a son. On the 26th ult.. the Lady of the Rev. 11Erray WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, of a son. On the 27th ult., at Demmer Rectory, Hants, the Lady of the Rev. R. MACDONALD CAIINTER. Of a SOIL On the 26th alt., at Clare Priory, Suffolk, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel BAKER, of a son.
On the 26th ult., at Bexley House, Greenwich, Mrs. FREDERICK Correct Pima, of male twins,one
On the 31st ult., at St. George's, Hanover Square. the Right Hon. FRANCIS BARING, M.P., eldest son of Sir Thomas Baring, Part., of Stratton Park, Hants, to the Lady Ala BELLA GEORGIANA HOWARD. second daughter of the Earl of Efliugharn. On the 31st., ult., at Hove Church, Brighton. Captain hint/ VIVIAN of the Eleventh Hussars, second son of Sir Hassey Vivian, Bart., G.C. B., to Louise, only child of the late Henry Woodgate Esq. On the 27th ult., at the British Legation, Frankfort-on.the•Maine, Lieutenant Cour.? R. Lamults, Twentieth Regiment Bengal Army, to MARY. the youngest daughter of William Grant Forsyth. Esq. On the 25111 church of St. Giles. Camberwell, the Rev. hurt IMAGE, late Fellow of Dulwich College, to Maav MAXWELL Huns, daughter of the late Hon. Ben- jamin Hinds, of Barbados.
On the 2d inst., in Park Lane, the Duchess Dowager of Maatrumenon, in her 74th year.
On the 29th ult., at his residence. Reading. Berkshire. at an advanced age, Vice- Admiral Sir THOMAS Duzicas. K.C.B. anti D.C.L. On the 16th ult., at Paris, the Rev. IL Hureurssox, M.A., native of St. Ives, Run- tin nshire, and formerly incumbent of St. Paul's Church, Nottingham, in his
On the2Oth ult., at Bordeaux. on his way to England, in his 69th year, Major RICHARD Drums DICKSON. formerly of the First Life Guards, and youngest son of the late 'chard Dickson. Esq.. of Lorkerwood, Dumfriesshire. Oa the 28th ult., at Pickhurst, near Hayes, is Kent, in her 21st year, CAROLINE ANNE, only daughter of Lady Caroline Morlaud. On the .:411th ult., at Brussels, the Hon. BERKELEY Oeramos Nom., seventh son of the late and brother of the present Lord Barham, iu his 46th year.