OUR notice of this ingenious and useful inkstand has been postponed until we could speak from experience of its merits : we have had it in pretty constant use for several weeks, and have found it to be a material improvement on the common inkstand. Its advantages will be best understood from a description of its construction. The ink is contained in a thick glass vessel, in shape like the frustrum of a cone ; by lift- ing up the lid which covers a little cup at the top, the ink is forced up into the cup by a simple pneumatic apparatus contained in the glass ; on shutting down the lid the ink sinks, and on reopening it a fresh supply is given up. Thus the ink for use undergoes a constant purifi- cation from sediment, and is kept as free as possible from dust : the risk of blotting from an over-full pen is prevented, because just a suffi- cient depth of ink is afforded to fill the pen at one dip : in case the glass should be accidentally upset while open, only the small quantity of ink held in the dipping-cup would be spilled ; and if the lid were down, not a drop could escape. For those, therefore, who make frequent use of the pen, the Perryian Filter Inkstand is particularly serviceable ; and it is likewise convenient for general use.