OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, March 29.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—First Lieut. W. Cr. C. Coffin to be Second Capt. vice Dixon, retired on half-pay ; Second Lieut. A. R. Wragge to he First Lieut. vice Caffiu.
WAR-OFFICE, April 2.-2d Regt. Light Drags—Major J. F. S. Clarke tube Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Wyndham, who retires; Capt. G. Hobart to be Major. by purchase, vice Clarke; Lieut. T. W. Trafford to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hobart ; Cornet M. W. V. Milbank to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Trafford; Charles Pilgrim, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Milbank. 3d Regt. Light Drags.—Lieut. F. Knowles. from the 11th Drags. to be Lieut. vice Bradshaw, who exchanges. Ilth Regt. Light Drags. —Lieut. H. H. Bradshaw, from the 3d Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Knowles, who exchanges; Cornet C. K. K. Tynte to be Adjt. vice Knowles, who resigns the Ad- jutancy only. 6th Regt. Foot—Lieut C. D. Allen to be Capt. without purchase. vice Bonamy, who retires upon full-pay. 11th Foot—Lient. E. Supple, from the half-pay of the 10th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Boyd, appointed Ailjt.; Ensign S. F. Jackson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Supple, who retires ; W. Dashwood, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Jackson. 24th Foot—G. W. Draper, Gent to be Ensign, without par- -chase, vice Spring, promoted in the 83d Foot. 27th Foot Lieut. R. S. C. Neynoe to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sleator, who retires; Ensign E. N. Moleeworth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Neynoe; A. Dalzell, Geut. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Moles- worth. 30th Foot—A. Lowry, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, Nice Grylls, who re- tires. 36th Foot— Lieut. L. Rothe to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ashmore, promoted; Ensign W. W. Abbott to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rothe; R. Lloyd. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Abbott. 37th Foot—Capt B. V. Layard, from half-pay un- attached, to be Capt. vice G. B. Whalley. who exchanges. 44th Foot—Ensign W. C. Mullen to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Smith, who retires; H. II. J. Massy, Gent. to be Ensigu, by purchase, vice Molten. 46th Foot—Lieut. W. Child to be Capt. without purchase, vice Haudcsek, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign D. Fyffe to be Lieut. vice Child, 56th Foot—Lieut. W. Telford to be Capt. without purclmse, vice Arthure, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign L. C. Conran, to be Lieut. vice Telford; J. F. Gent to be Ensign, vice Conran. 62c1Foot—R:Douglas, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Grant, who resigns; Assistant.Surgeon William Stewart, from the 10th Light Dragoons, to be gurgeon, vice Dempster. appointed to the 17th Light Dragoons. 63d Foot—Lieut. G. B. Pratt to be Capt. without purchase, vice Fry. who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign W. J. Hutchins to be Lieut. vice Pratt; W. F. Lowrie. Gent. to be Ensign. vice Hutchins. 66th Foot—Lieut. J. Johns to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bayne, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign H. L. G. Scott to be Lieut. vice Johnston ; H. L. Saunderson, Gent. to be Ensigo,vice Scutt. 77th Foot—L. W. Galway to be Capt. without purchase, vice Mason. who retires npon full pay ; Ensign R. Reline to be Lieut. vice Galway ; C. T. Dumaresq. Gent. to be Ensign, vice Baidlie. 82d Foot — Capt. J. T. Quist, from half pay unattached. to be Capt. without purchase, vice Piuck- lley, who retires upon full-pay ; Ensign T. Lambert to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Abbott, dec.; Lieut. D. A. Curtayne, from the 4th Foot, to be Capt. without pur- chase. vice Pastes-, who retires upon full-pay ; M. White, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Lambert ; Apothecary to the Forces G. Allman to be Sorg. vice Pope, der. 83d Foot —Brevet-Major W. H. Law to be Major, without purchase, vice Crofton, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut J. Raysou to be Capt. vice Law; Ensign T. Spring, from the 24th Foot, to be Lieut. vice parson. 93d Foot—Lieut. J. A. Russell to be Capt. with- out purchase, vice Gordon. who retires upon full-pay; Ensign D. Seton to be Lieut. vice Russell; R. H. H. Keightley, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Seton. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, March 30.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—Quartermaster-Serg. J. S. Forbes to be Quartermaster, vice Gates, placed on the Retired List.