BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Primer.)
Saturday Manday. rendes,. Wednes. Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced d} per Cents. Reduced New 3} per Cents.
Long Annuities Bank Stock. 7 per cent. India Stock 104 Exchequer Bilk 2}d. p. diem
India Bonds, • ear cent. .
881 881 841 884 89} 891 b9 854 89 894 89} 90 shut shut 97}- 974 971 974 98 984 shut shut - shut
7 pm. 7 5 8 9 11
- 10 dis. 9 3 2 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Eveniug.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Ditto (Deferred) 5 p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Ditto 6 Austrian 5 - - i Ditto (Deferred) ....6 - Belgian 5 - 100} Mit:Mean 6 - Brazilian 5 - 711 Mississippi (Sterling)... 5 - Bitelios Ayres 6 - 25 Neapolitan. 5
Cuba 6 - 70 Yea York (1855) 5
Chilian 6 - 59} exd. Ohio 6 -
Columbian of 1824 6 231 ■ Pennsylvania .... .....5 Danish 77} ex d. Peruvian 6
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders).2} - 51} i Portuguese 3 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 974 ex d. ; Ditto 5 -
Freuch 3 i Ditto (New) 5
Ditto 5 - - Russian 5
Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 65 ; Sp.auish 5 Illinois 6 - -Ditto (Passive)
, Kentucky 6 - - • Ditto (Deferred) Louisiana (Sterling)....5 - - ; South Carolina ...... ...5 p. Ct
Maryland 6 ii Tennessee 6
Masseehtissetts(sterling)5 - - .; United States Bank Mexican 5 - 31} "; Virginia .. 5 - 10}
18} 201 621 34 111 23} 51 124
54 34 exd.
12} 15 42} 321 Si
97 67t
92 SH A Mines- (Last Official Quotation during tl Bolanoe
Brazilian Imperial 7 Ditto (St. John del Rey)
British Iron 64 dis.
Cata Drawee .
Caudonga Coffee Copper
Eastern Counties 9 Grand Juuction Great Western 92} Liverpool and Manchester 46 London and Brighton 194 London and Blackwall 81 Loudon and Greenwich 155} London and Birmingham Loudon and South-Wester LI got London and Croydon 121 Manchester and Leeds 631 Midland Counties 83
North Midland 77
'ironth Eastern and Dover 18 RE S.
e Week, ending Friday Evening.) Banks-
Australasian British North American Colonial Hiberuiau Loudou and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of Loudon
East and West India London St. Katherine
Australian Agricultural British America', Laud Canada General Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Laud
Gold, Foreign In Bars.....per oa SI. 17s. 9d. I Copper. British Cckes..per ton 981.0s. to 01.04 Old Spanish or Pillar Dollars 0 0 0 Iron, British. Rae. 8 0 4- 0 0
Mexican Dollars 0 4 104 Lead, British Pig 40 5 II- 0 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 0 Steel, English Se 0 0- 81 0
The supply of English Wheat during the present week has been tolerably fair, and and the trade has continued fiat but without any material alteration- in prices since Monday. In Foreign Wheat the business doing is to a very limited extent ouly, but holders are unwilling to submit to nny reduction. Malting Barley meets a dull sale, but the best qualities command former quotations. In Grinding Barley, Beans, or Peas we have no change to report.
AVERAGE PR CFA OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Wheat R. 4d. 350.6d. I Wheat 23s.
Per Quarter (Imperial) of ye England and Wales. For the presenty. Week. C . Harley 32 7 I Bean. 39 7 Barle 13 10 Beans Jests p... Et 8 Peas I y
89 1 Oats j 13 9 Pees
Town-made per sack 55.. to 53s. Seconds 50 - 55 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 55 - 50 Norfolk and Stockton • 40 45 BRAN perquaeter Of. to Os.
POLLARD, fine Os. to Oa.
BREAD, 70. to 944. the 41b. Loaf.
HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 98.... 105. 80c 100s..... 1005.. ... 80s... 1000. 90 Inferior .
Clover New lie .. 120 .. 80 .. 120 100 .. 120 ..... 100 .. 120 Straw. Wheat 42 .. 48 36 50 Wheat. Red Ne1.52 to 60 White 54 .. 56 Fine 56 .. 64 Superfine NeivC4 70 Old 62 .. 70 . .
Rye 80 to 44 Barley 48..28 Malting 88..34 Malt, Ordinary 54 56 Fine 54 .. CO Peas, Hog
Oats•Peed P3 to 44
Fine . 24 .. 25 Poland Ed .
Fine 27 . 30 Potato 27 Fine 28 .. 3R s • • •
Maple 40 to 42 White. 35 36
87 .. 39 Beans, Ticks 85 .. 36 Old 43 .. 45 30 .. 38 Hants 55 .. 40 11 e 11 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 17..04. per Sox. Carlow, 41. 18.. to 31.6s. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 52... to 57s.
CHEESE. Cheshire ... 6311. to nos.
Derby, Plain 67.. to 745. HAMS, York 7n.. ta EGGS, French... per 120 4s. Od. to 55. dd.
gent Pockets 1002. to Wes. Scotch Reds per ton 75, to 80.. Choice 13 ttn ISO - 240 Ware 0 0 Sussex Pockets WO - 120 I Middling 0 - 0
Superfine Ditto 140 - toe Chat 0 - 0
NEWGATE AND LEADEN IIALL.• SMITHFIELD" 4a. id. to 4e. 64. 3.. 4.. • d. 4 0 4 . 4 10 . 4 5 Beef . 30. 64. to Mutton
Pork Lamb
Rape Oil per tun 441. Oa. Refined 43 10 Linseed Oil f7 0 Linseed On, Cake per 1000 is 14 CANDLES, per dozen, 7e. Od. to 85.0d. Moulds (rd. per do: discount) 9s. 6d. COALS, Helton ton 428.O.1. Tees Oa. Od.
TEA, Bohm, fine, p. lb la. 3d. to Ts. 411. Congo',, Roe 1 104 - 2 0
Snuchong, fine 1 e - 0
• In Bond-Doty 25.14, per lb. COFFEE., Fine (in bd) p. ow, 1045 128s. Goad Ordinary 745. 82s. SUGAR, Musovado ..per cwt 450.
West ladle Molasses .27s. 011 to 335.9d.
5 0 5 8 4 0 .. 4 6
to Si. 04.
5 • 4 • 7 Is • To sink the olfel-per8lba. HEAD OP CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pigs.
Friday 474 3.200 131 817
Monday.... ••.... ....... .... 2,516 ... ..... 16,520 67 643