It was not expected that the precise terms on which the new Indian Loan would be taken would be made known before Saturday; that, however, being a closed day on the Stock Exchange, Mr. Corthom, the Indiahouse broker, announced somewhat late this afternoon that tenders had been ac- cepted to within 200,000/. of the actual amount of the loan 97 being the minimum price' this amount was immediately subscribed for in the "House." This has been a dull week in stocks and shares, and business in the English Security Market is almost at a stand-still. The Indian news being considered favourable, prices on Monday exhibited considerable firm- ness at the opening. Consols were first quoted 971 971, being an advance mar- ket subsequently to recede 1 per cent, and business again became dull; since of 1 upon closing quotation of Saturday ; .several sales caused the then the actuation has been between 96/ 971; the near approach of the
settling doubtless prevents speculators from operating to any extent at pre- sent. The value of money on the Stock Exchange on Government Securi- ties still averages 11 to 2 per cent. Consols were this morning 97 97t, and after being sellers a 96/, close buyers at that figure. Altogether business has been for some time characterized by great dulness and absence of any transactions likely to alter prices. As is always the case during this week of the year there has been little or nothing doing in Fozeign Stocks. Quotations are nearly the same as at the close last week ; if any difference at all, a trifle flatter. Turkish Six per Cents farm the exception ; they having declined 1 per cent, finally leaving off 101 101/. Money has been plentiful in this market, at from 3 to 4 per cent. The dividend on the Turkish Six per Cent Stock is advertised for the 10th of this month. Spanish Three per Cents dull at the price, 44 44t. Spanish Deferred, 26 26k; Buenos Ayres, 77 79; Mexican 19/ 20; Venezuela Active, 32 33 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 8384 ; Peruvian Three per Cent, 56 57 cx die. Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, discount to t premium.
The amount of actual business passing this week in the Railway Share Market has been altogether insignificant; the settling of the fortnightly ac- count taking place on Monday occupied the chief attention at the com- mencement of the week. Prices have been drooping, and some lines have experienced a fall of from 1 to 2 percent; the decline in Midland Stock has been equal to 1/ per cent, closing this afternoon 941 sq. Leeds Stock has also fallen 1 per cent, now quoted 87t 881. In the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Shares, the fall has reached 2 per cent, 35 35t. Other things are quoted at an average decline of 4 per cent. Caledonian Shares leave off, 431431; South-Eastern, 20/ 21; -Great Western, 58 58k; Lon- don and-North-Western, 931 94k; London and South-Western 92 92k; London and Brighton 1051 106k; Great Northern, 251 251. The market this afternoon is steady, but with a marked absence of dealers. There is very little feature in the Vreneh Share-market ; prices are steady. Paris and Lyons, 33 33/ ;al'ari and Strasbourg, 271 28; Northern of France, 371 38+ The Indian Market has been inactive, but prices steady, showing little variation. East Indian, 109 110; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 211.
Tenders for the Indian Loan to the extent of 4,800,000/. were accepted by the East India Company on Thursday, leaving 200,0001. to be provided ; the members of the Stock Exchange made up a list and tendered for this 200,0001., at 97, but the Company is said to have declined it. The minimum price fixed for the first biddings was 97; it is believed that nearly the whole 4,800,000/. has been taken between 97 and 99+, while there were some offers as high as 102. The first instalment of 20 per cent is payable on Thursday next.
The proprietors of the Ottoman Bank met on Tuesday-. It was explained why, though there is a balance of 21,1651. of profits, no dividend will be de- clared: from the inexperience of some of the employes in the East, and from the recent financial disturbances, considerable bad debts have been made, while the exchanges fluctuate in Turkey so greatly that a good re- serve must be kept—at one time a sovereign has been worth 163 piastres, and at another only 117. The Directors have determined to be on the safe side, and have therefore carried 20,0001. to the reserve-fund to meet those losses and fluctuations.
At a meeting of the British American Lath Company, on Monday, it was stated that the sales of land in 1857 were more than MO acres in excess of the previous year ; bat as the late financial crisis interfered with the col- lection of money, no dividend was proposed for the past year. It was men- tioned that ninety emigrants from Norway have settled on the Company's estate at Bury. The London Armoury Company have declared a dividend of 5 percent: the Company was stated to be in a prosperous state.
The accounts from the manufacturing districts still tell generally of dull- ness, though in some places there is a slight increase of activity.
The corn-market still declines : the prices of Monday were again Is. to 28. lower than last week.
It is expected that the creditors of Mr. H. P. Maples, the commission- merchant, will eventually be paid in full.
Mr. A. R. Lafone, of Liverpool, is to continue his business, without creditors' inepectors ; and he proposes to pay all claims in full, and interest, in the course of eighteen months : there seems little doubt that he will have a good surplus.
Mr. Mowatt, the Secretary of the Great Northern Railway, who had enjoyed the unbounded confidence of the Directors, has been suddenly dis- missed from his post.
The Directors of the Crystal Palace Company have appointed Mr. Robert E. Bowley to be General Manager : Mr. Bewley has been a prominent officer of the Sacred Harmonic Society for twenty-five years, and has proved a successful administrator of various great public exhibitions.
The Committee of the Stock Exchange have notified to the press that those persons who advertise for business as brokers are not members of the Stock Exchange—no member is permitted to advertise,
The Seinde Railway Company, on Tuesday paid to the East India Com- pany 350,000/. on account of capital for the Punyaub Railway from Mooltan to Lahore and Umritair.
As with us, the aecumulation of capital unemployed is going on at New York, and the rates of discount continue to decline. The war between the railways competing for the London and Manchester traffic continues ; the London and North-Western ltailway declining to ac- cede to the terms proposed by the arbiters.
The rotunda of the Bank of England was thronged on Monday by the cre- ditors of the British Bank, two dividends having been paid, one under Chan. cery and the other under Bankruptcy-4s. 6d. together.