3 APRIL 1858, Page 11


The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended March 31, 1858, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

QUARTERS ENDED Totals 30th June 1854.

£ Excise 5,006,000 Customs 5,864,724 5381.346 3,232,175 5,243,600 6,446,000 4,816,000 2,898,000 1,770,649 1,838,000 1,905,477 Stamps 1,858,083 157,000 1,336,000 260,020 Taxes 1,343,023 5,347,236 1,423,434 6,142,483

Property Tax 2,376,751 646,00 748,000 777,000

Post-office 716,000 67,857 86,000 67,000 Crown Lands 64,000 154,343 195,842 425,669 Miscellaneous 320,419 Totals 17,548,003 23,109,104 23,321,843 17,825,000 18,165,000 7,416,719 7,372,209 3,152,033 3,114,048 11,586,113 13,069,934 2,020,000 2,866,000 176,624 284,857 1,366,387 1,098,173 63,881,512 72,334,062

H. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Year ended March 31, 1858, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

QUARTER ENDED March 31, 1357. YEAR ENDED March 31, 1858.

Increase. Decrease, Increase. Decrease.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes PrOperty Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous. , E £ E E 644,762 - - 212,739 353,000 - - 340,000 146,494 - 43,510 - 48,013 - 35,987 - - 3,531,882 -- 4,503,819 --- 72,000 34,000 -- 3,000 - 88,203 -- 60,109 498,714 - Totals

1,193, 61 .3,704,091 612,311 5,064,761

Net Decrease £2,508,830 £4,451,550 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Pan-0111M Crown Lands Miscellaneous 30th June 80th Sept. Slat Dee. 31st March 1867. 1557. 1867. 1358.

Z 5 E 11 E

6,149,349 5,481,385 5,500,018 5,888,352

4,507,000 6,298,000 4,769,000 3,251,000

1,850,491 1,752,265 1,761,000 9,061,973 1,334,000 169,000 1,361,000 308,033 2,435,540 4,931,537 808,437 3,390,601 675,000 730,000 810,000 705,000 64,000 60,666 82,000 70,000 256,382 269,428 723,707 345,360 17,251,762 16,682 269 15,907,162 10,010,319 QUARTERS ENDED 30th Sept. 31st Dec. 31st March 1868. 1866. 1867.

19,671,429 16,695,481 18,519,149

Year ended- Year ended elst March list March

11958. 1867.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals

III. An Account showing the Revenue and other Receipts of the Quar- ter ended March 31,, 18.58 the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended December 31, 1837, vix.- Great Britain Ireland £782,138 -- 782,168 Income received in the Quarter ended March 31,1828, as shown in Account 1.... 13,010,319 Money received by sale of Exchequer Bills (Supply) 'sauna to replace (in part) the Amount of Bills paid (Chi money out of the Ways and Means of the year 1857-8 288,600 Amount received in the Quarter ended March 31, 1868, in repayment of Ad- vances for Public Work ,,&e.. 431,268 Saving on the charge for Diplomatic Salaries for the year 1867 595 Net amount applied out of the income for the Quarter ended March 31, 1838, to redemption of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended Dec. 31, 1857, 'is.- Total Deficiency £1,211,023 Abate-Redeemed by Sinking Fund 111,000 Amount applied Out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended March 31, 18681 Charge on the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended March 31, 1858 via-_ Interest of the Permanent Debt £3,577,130 Terminable Debt 1,399,985 Interest of Exchequer Bills (Delefene1) Nil The Civil List 101,111 Other Charges On Consolidated Fund ' U8,638 Advances for Public Works, lie. 254,170 Slaking Fund 259,024

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended March 31, 1868, viz.- Great ittitale Ireland


Balance, being the Deficiency on March 31, 1858, upon the charge of the Consoli- dated Fund in Great Britain, to meet the Dividends and other Charges Pay- able In the Quarter to June 30, 1858, and for which Exchequer Bills (Defi-

ciency) will be issued in that Quarter 1,201,420 -- 7.8,714,371 1,090,623 9,196,919 7,940,036


