On the 25th of March, at the residence of the British Ambassador at Hanover, Edwin, youngest son of the late Thomas Bennett Sturgeon, Esq. of South Ockcn- don Hall, Essex, to Mina, youngest daughter of Dr. Louis Wilbelmi, of Itinteln, Hesse Cassel.
On the 25th, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, Christopher Armytage Nicholson, Esq., eldest son of John Armytage Nicholson. Esq. of Balrath, county Meath, to Prances Augusta, eldest daughter of the Hon. Augustus Macdonald Moreton, of Largie, Argyleshire.
On the 31st, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Charles W. Morris, Esq., surgeon, Campden, to Eleanor Charlotte, third surviving daughter of the Rev. L. C. Clarke, B.A., Incumbent of Wolviston, Stockton-on-Tees.