At Cawnpore, killed in July 1857, Mary Anne, wife of Edmund Darby, M.D., 10th Oude Irregular Infantry, and eldest daughter of John Jackson, Esq.; formerly of the East India Company's China Establishment ; in her 19th year. Her infant was killed at the same time. At Lucknow, Edmund Darby, M.D.. 10th Oude Irregular Infantry, eldest son of Sydney Hudson Darby, Esq., of Tienga, Bandorah River, Australia ; in his 24th year. He was wounded by a shell, and died shortly after, in November 1857.
On the 31st January, killed at Barodia, about ten miles from Ratgurh, while acting as A.D.C. to Sir H. Rose, Glastonbury Neville, Captain Royal Engineers, fifth son of the late Dean of Windsor and Lady Charlotte Neville Grenville. On the 12th March, at the Elms, Cheltenham, Commander S. H. Ricketts, R.N., youngest son of the late Admiral Sir Robert Ricketts, Bart.
On the Slat, at Stoke, near Devonport, Major-General Cecil Bisshopp, IC.C.I.I., Colonel of the 16th Regiment, youngest and only surviving son of the late Colonel Harry Bisshopp, of Stomington.
On the 25th, at Langstone, near Havant, Rear-Admiral Sir" William Henri Pierson ; in his 76th year. On the 26th, in Curzon Street, Mayfair, Quinthi Dick, Esq.; in his Si year.
On the 26th, in Alfred Place, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Mrs. Elizabeth Evans Townsberd ; in her 90th year.
On the 27th, at Shennanbury Park, Sussex, Stephen Hasler Challen, Keg.; in his 84th Year. On the 28th, in Grosvenor Square, Lady Lucy Posey, widow of the late Hon. Philip Posey; in her 89th year. On the 29th, at Boveridge Park, Dorsetshire, Charlotte Ann, wife of Charles Caldwell, Esq., daughter of the late and sister of the present Sir William Andy, Bart. On the 29th, the Rev. Alfred Stephen Canney, Incumbent of St. Andrew, Lam- beth; in his 38th year. On the 31st, in Brook Street, the Earl of Morton ; in his 68th year. On the 81st, in Great Ormond Street, Richard Horsman Solly, Esq., F.R.S. ; in his 80th year. On the gd April, in Harley. Street, Cavendish Square, Sir James 11'Grigor, Bart., K.C.B., late Director-General of the Army Medical Department ; in his 87th year.