The City of London gives a more complete Tory vote
than ever before in our recollection. The Tories might easily have carried all four Members, and their poll was very nearly two to one that of the Liberals,—Alderman Cotton polling 10,326 votes, and Mr. Alderman Lawrence (the minority Member and the highest Liberal) only 5,950. This shows a great advance for the Tories on the vote of 1874., and a considerable loss for the Liberals on the old vote. Greenwich, too, sends up two Tories,—Mr. Boord and Baron de Worms,— instead of one Tory and one Liberal ; but in the case of Greenwich, the lowest Liberal vote has increased rather more in proportion than the Tory vote. Westminster, again, has returned two Tories (Mr. Smith and Sir Charles Russell), but by very much diminished majorities. On the other hand, Southwark, by a very heavy vote, has restored the Liberals to their places at the head of the poll, by a good majority, Finsbury returns Liberals, as before, by a still larger majority ; and in Chelsea, Sir Charles Dilke beats Lord Inverurie by a majority of very nearly 3,000 votes ; and even Mr. Firth beats him by over 2,300, being the gain of a seat to the Liberals. In the Tower Hamlets, Mr. Bryce heads the poll. On the whole, there is little doubt that even in their own pleasure-ground the Tories will prove to have lost heavily.