BOOKS RECEIVED.—Luther's Primary Works. Edited by Henry Waco, D.D., and
Professor C. A. Buchheim. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Martin Luther. By Gustav Freytag. Translated by H. E. 0. Heinemann. (Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago.)—Some Thoughts on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. By George Salmon, D.D. (John Murray.)—In an American series of works on Ecclesiastical History, published in this country by Messrs. T. and T. Clark, of Edinburgh, The Age of Hildebrand, by Mavin R. Vincent, D.D.; The Great Western Schism, by Clinton Lock, D.D.; and The Age of the Crusades by James M. Ludlow, D.D.—Contemporary Theology and Theism. By R. M. Wenley. (Same publishers.)—Questions on the Church Catechism. By W. Fraser Handcock. (Home Words Publishing Office.)—Is Natural Selection the Creator of Species? By Duncan Graham. (Digby, Long, and Co.)—A Plea for a Simpler Faith. By S. Keith. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Faithful unto Death: Wil/iam and Lucy S. Johnston. Edited by P. Doncaster. (Headley Brothers.)— Introduction to Public Finance. By Carl S. Phleyn. (Mac- millan and Co.)—Preaching of Islam. By T. W. Arnold. (Con- stable and Co.)—Government and Parties in Continental Europe. By C. L. LowelL (Longmans and Co.)—Voluntary v. Compulsory Heroics. By Captain F. W Maude. (E. Stanford.)—The Real and Ideal in Literature. (G. P. Patnam's Sons.)—Autobiography and Works of James Cron. With Memoir by J. C. Iran. (Elliot Stock.)—Coiliery Working and Management. By H. F. Bulman and B. A. P. Redmayne. (Crosby Lockwood and Son.)—Wasted Records of Disease. By C. C. Paget, (E. Arnold.)—Education of the Central Nervous System. By Reuben P. Halleck. (Macmillan and Co.)—Annals of the Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Musical Festival. By R C. Legge and W. R. Hansen. (Jarrold and Son.) —Walt Whitman : a Study. By John Burroughs. (Constable and Co.)—Magic. By Eliphas Levi. Translated by A. E Waite. (Redway and Co.)—Marriage an China. By Mrs. Archibald Little. (F. V. White.)—Sun and Mist. By C. St. George Betts. (T. Fisher Unwin.)