3 APRIL 1909, Page 17


[TO TIM EDITOR Or Till " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—In your issue of March 20th you mention our name as one of the firms who have decided to boycott slave-grown cocoa. May. we point out that the proprietors of Van Houten's &mom have never purchased cocoa from any slave-affected area ? The simple facts of the case are that the decision which the other cocoa firms have at last arrived at is one which Messrs. Van }Teuton came to over eighty years ago, when they first placed their cocoa on the


In selecting their raw material, they have always strietlg. adhered to the policy of using only cocoa beans of the highest quality, grown under the most satisfactory conditions. They have, therefore, never entertained the idea of purchasing beans from Portuguese West Africa.—We are, Sir, &o.,