It is not too late, though it is almost too
late. The wonder is that the Irish police have not broken completely under the strain. What those who set out to suppress crime in Ireland have to contend with may be deduced from the amazing incident when Mr. Bell, a Resident Magistrate, was dragged from a tramcar on Friday week and assassinated in a crowded Dublin suburb. The other passengers in the tramcar were no doubt awed by having revolvers waved in front of them, but the passers-by must have been in an enormous majority over the murderers, and yet not an impeding hand was raised and the criminals were allowed to escape with ease. Such are the effects of intimidation in Ireland. Sir Nevil Macready will at all events have the inestimable advantage of knowing that if he puts all his brains and activity into his work— the Government here must not hamper him in any way—he will really have the sympathy of the vast majority of the population on his side. They are very exceptional men indeed, whatever their political professions, who do not want to be saved from ruin, horror, and tyranny. The ordinary people dare not say so, but they will regard the suppressors of crime as their friends.