IF the appointment of Sir Nevil Macready to command the troops in Ireland means that the soldiers are at last to be used adequately to reinforce the police and protect innocent lives against the appalling campaign of assassination and intimidation, it is very good news. The proper equipment for the officer in command in Ireland is a thorough knowledge of organization. As for the conditions of his work, there should be full "unity of command" over both military and police. If Sir Nevil Macready is not very quick indeed in getting to work, there will be more lives lost and a further discrediting of authority—and that means the whole power to govern in Ireland. What is required now—and we earnestly hope that Sir Nevil Macready is the man—is some one who can search out the secret places of crime, and who has not only imagination, energy, and knowledge but the right instincts. If Sir Nevil Macready takes the necessary measures, there can be no doubt that Lord French will back him up, even though neither Lord French himself nor the retiring General in command has been able to originate the right measures.