3 APRIL 1920, Page 15


[TO TRX EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") St,—I read with great interest the excellent artiole on the Czech Sokoto in your issue of February 28th, and I would like to inform your readers that special gymnastic displays of the Czech Sokols are to take place in Prague from June 28th to July 1st of this year. These displays are-arousing considerable interest in the Allied countries. The French Press in particu- lar is full of praise for the Sokols, with which France has kept up relations since the year 1889, when the Czech gymnasts gained the first prize at the great exhibition in Paris. The preparations for the coming Sokol Olympiad at Prague are in full swing, and already large numbers of applications have been received from Government representatives and gymnastic organizations abroad.

The total number of members who have given in their names to take part in the Sokol gymnastic celebrations is 30.477 of the junior members, 86,549 seniors, of whom 52.921 are men and 33.628 are women, making 117,026 in all. Of these, 26,902 have given in their names for the physical drill display, the corre- sponding number of the previous occasion having been only 14,000, together with 23.248 female members, as compared with 5,457 previously. The numbers of junior members for this display are 16,582 male and 13,895 female. For the march past in costume 27,018 male members and 2,742 female members have given in their names.

There will also be a very large number of Slav guests- on this occasion, at which representatives of all the Slav nations will be present. The Yugo-Slays will probably send the large4 number, over 3,000 of them having already announced their intention of taking part. There will be a greater attendanee

than at previous gymnastic celebrations of this kind on the part of French, English, and Americans. Of the last, those of Czech origin in particular are preparing to visit their old home with many surprises. A large number of guests from Slovakia will give special gymnastic displays arranged by