Sir: I did relish Stephen Bayley's `rePlY ' (Letters 6 March)
to Gavin Stamp's review of the Boilerhouse Project's first exhibi- tion. The effectiveness of commercial design is something we all live with and Is therefore a subject on which feelings often run high. Mr Bayley was understandably stung bY, the scornful tone of the review, which had the temerity to accuse his idea of being old- fashioned. Upon rereading Dr Stamp I fed that he had made a string of excellent points and had also felt compelled to throw T some barbed shafts about trendiness which obviously found their mark. Mr Bayley, 0- stead of attempting .an equally eloquent rebuttal, resorted mainly to abuse -- and not witty abuse at that. I should imagine that the staff at the nearby Science Museum must be enjoYin this particular battle hugely, since they haveg been displaying the relationship between style and function for a little while now. Still, I think Dr Stamp might have been guilty of abusing the hospitality of the v and A that he mentions so acidly.
Andrew Robinson
49 Noel Road London NI