Crossword 551
by Doc
AAl • ze of tenpounds will be awarded for the first correct solution
56 Doughty on 19 April. Entries to: Crossword 551, The Spectator, uoughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.
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The unclued lights, and the title in another form, are of a kind.
Name Address''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
ACROSS 1 Naval map with notice about McArthy Trail (14, two words) 8 Mark Cliff (4) 10 Seasonal change involving Doctor Scarlatti (10) 12 Where badgers, live for a fixed time (4) 14 Evaluate Jenny, apparently (6) 18 He composes poems about non-U studio (5) 20 Festival meal for Acis' love (7) 25 Noblemen with their court in the capital (5) 27 Base one, by French city, sap- pers having left (7) 32 An excavator — one found in the jetty (7) 36 Conscious of the dread Ra is held in, on reflection (5) 38 Some quarrel at election re- count (6) 39 Sentence to be idle before get- ting married (4) 40 Illustrative elegaic text, un- finished but reviewed (10) 41 The state ten women are (4) DOWN 1 Remains near to Town ... (5) 4 .... where General died on sabbath (5) 5 Rooks — Spanish pipe dreams? (7) 6 They are proficient, however, around the short section (6) 9 Working together to prepare musical send-up (11, hyphened) 11 Brand 8 (6) 13 Asp rising in net on part of rig- ging (7) 15 Thistle-like plant has yellow — but no white-tipped — varieties (8, hyphened) 16 Westlea Down blowing like the wind of the western sea (11, three words) 19 Fleet-footed maiden surround- ed boy with fragrant oil, endlessly (8) 22 Tobacco given a newspaper- man with a nose! (7) 26 Wrung a confession from us subjectively instead, maybe (7) 28 Upper-class batter consumed by American soldier-fish (6) 31 Shoe-lining with old uniform (6) 33 Realm of diplomacy the monarch appears in (5) 34 Political meetings for the peo- ple (5) 35 Everyone's in agreement — it's calm (5)