TEN court.
THE Queen continues her quiet life at Windsor ; and perseveres in her out-door exercise, walking and driving with Prince Albert daily. The Queen Dowager paid a visit at the Castle on Wednesday morn- ing, and partook of a dejeuner. Afterwards, her Majesty, accompanied by Prince Albert and Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, drove over to visit the Dutchess of Kent at Frogmore; whence Queen Adelaide re- tuned to Bushy Park.
Prince Albert inspected his regiment, the Scots Fusileer Guards, on Monday and Tuesday.
Among the visiters at the Castle have been, the Duke of Wellington, Lord Aberdeen, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Jersey.
The Queen Dowager viewed the exhibition in Westminster Hall on Saturday, and went to the Italian Opera in the evening. On Monday morning, she visited the Royal Academy exhibition ; and in the after- noon left Marlborough House for Bushy Park.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, went to the Italian Opera on Saturday; visited the Queen Dowager on Monday ; were enter- tained on that day by the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry at a grand dinner ; and were entertained with similar splendour by the Doke of Wellington on Wednesday.