3 AUGUST 1867, Page 2

Mr. Crawford on Thursday brought on a mail-packet discussion which

brought out two important facts. The Government have decided as soon as the Mont Cenis Railway is open to send the Indian mail express via Brindisi hoping to gain thirty - four. hours. In other words, they have selected a route which in- volves the carriage of the ntils over three systems of railway instead of two, and the risk of incessant delays in winter, when Savoy is flooded and the mountains snowed up. Moreover, they are inclined to ruin the Peninsular and Oriental Company by transferring the whole Indian contract to the Messa geries Im- periales. In other words, it is possible that they may by one and- the same arrangement hand the control of the Overland route over to France, just as we are fighting in Abyssinia, and break up the greatest and cheapest transport service ever placed at the dis- posal of a State. The magnificent fleet of the Company does not cost the British Government 80,0001. a year, half the expense being borne by India, and it is as absolutely at its disposal for transport as the Channel squadron.