Mr. Marvin, in a letter to Thursday's Daily News, in
which he attempts to justify his disclosure of the summary of the Salis- ,bury-Schouvaloff Agreement in the Globe of May 31st, on the _ground that he fully expected that Agreement to be made public on the following day, states that on that same day, May Sint, was signed a much more secret engagement, regarded as "of great value at the time," "and of importance still," but of . which he has always refused to divulge the nature, on the ground that he knew it from the first to be a most secret document. We . suppose some effort will be made in Parliament to extract from the Government some information as to this new secret,—if new secret it be. Indeed, Sir Stafford Northcote did deny on Thursday that it had any reference to Greece. But in all probability the secret will not be forced. Fortunately for the policy of mystification, there is always some convenient Mr. Jorkins amongst Foreign Governments with whom we are in partnership, to whose veto on the publication of an in- convenient document the Government can appeal as a final reason against placing confidence in the British people.