British Bulbs
The industry in British bulbs increases very rapidly. This week the Spalding Bulb Growers' Association are distributing through retailers 200,000 coloured postcards, for the most part displaying tulips, daffodils and hyacinths as grown in England from English bulbs. They have, I believe, even a demand from abroad. In these three species of bulb, I believe the English to be the best, and a great deal Of research work and many trials are in progress in many districts, not least in Holbeach, where some of the best daffodils are grown. Bulbs are well grown in the Scilly isles, in Cornwall, in Cambridge- shire, and even in Middlesex ; but the Haarlem of England lies between Holbeach and Spalding. The soil Of South Lincolnshire is almost unrivalled. Our growers have' not quite the variety of the Dutch. They grow fewer"speeies, but they grow the best. The industry is large and flourishing, and a great deal of glass has been erected and more in being prepared, for the sake of the trade in cut flowers. * * * *