3 AUGUST 1934, Page 18

A Broadcasting Calendar


25.25 Syniphony Concert : B.B.C. Orchestra (Section B), 27.40 Here and There : Stephen King-Hall on the week's news N.

22.40 Tennyson's " Ulysses," read by Felix Aylmer .. N. Sibelius,. &c. .' . . . . N.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 4th 18.30 The Empire Games : H. M. Abrahams . N.

zo.00 Recital : Lionel Tertis (viola), Solomon (piano) . . &c.

21.45 Twenty Years Ago-a radio report of events preceding the outbreak of war, compiled by Professor Harold Temperley, Editor of the British Official Documents .. . . . . N.

• SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th II.00 Service from H.M.S. 'Victory,'. Nelson's Flagship, in

Portsmouth Dockyard .. N. 13.50 Unveiling of the Livingstone Memorial at Victoria Falls, S. Rhodesia, by the Hon. H. U. Moffatt, Livingstone's

nephew and es-Prime Minister of S. Rhodesia, relayed from N. 17.30 Gecrge Howard Wilkinson : Rev. Prebendary H. F. B. N. 57.45 Chamber Music : Grinke Trio and Betsy de is Porte (con-

tralto). Beethoven, Ravel, &c. .. N. I9.30 Violin Recital : Orrea Pernel. Music by Turma N.

19.3o Carolare : Hymn-singing from Porth . 20.00 Congregationalist Service from Can's Lase Church, Bit;

mingham : Shoran S. Singha will give the address .. M.R. 21.05 B.B.C. Orchestra (Strings of Section E) with Arthur ,.

Benjamin (piano) .. .. 21.05 Concert from the Scottish Summer School of Music .. S.R. MONDAY, AUGUST 6th .

9.30 Opening Ceremony of the Royal National Eisteddfod of

x5.55 Die Valiiire, A.ct I, relayed from Bayreuth.. ; . - N. 20.00 Ringer's Day at Trowbridge, with A. G. Street .. . W.R.

20.25 Die ralkiise, Act m, relayed from Bayreuth .

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7th 13.00 Organ Recital : Thomas Hallford from Newcastle City Hall( N. 16.40 British Empire Games at the White City Stadium : Running, Commentary by Harold Abrahams on the One Mile Relay. N. 17.15 Sara Allgood in songs and monologues in the Children's Hour .. .. N.

20.00 Willi Decembers Clemence Dane's Bronte play - . . L.R.

25.25 A Flying Padre in the Australian Bush : Rev. L. Daniels . , N.

21.40 Southern Command Tidworth Tattoo : Items 3 and 4 .. N.

22.00 British Empire Games-Swimming : Commentary by Harold Parker.. L.R.

23.20 Tattoo continued : Item 13 and Grand Finale N.


5. I 5 Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra, cond. Ethel Smyth and. Sir Dan Godfrey. "Fête Galante," &c. . N. zo.00 More Picture People. Composite programme from the

sound track of recent films, including Garbo, Elizabeth Bergner, &c. N.

rflei Decembers-repeat performance N.

21.25 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th 54.00 Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales : Presidential Address

by the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George and Chairing the Bard N. 21.00 Kutcher String Quartet and George Parker (bass).. L.R., &c. 2I.50 Nottingham-a literary tour : arranged by Ruth Adam .. M.R.