was with a very acute sense of shock, I had almost written pain, that I noticed in "A Spectator's Notebook" in your last issue a reference to myself which I can only describe as wounding. Unless I am very much mistaken it suggested that I do not exist ! However, it is to air no personal griev- ance on the matter that I write to you now, but to ensure that no further violence is done in the future to a name which, I make bold to state, means much to the older people in Wisconsin.
Now, Sir, the position is this : as the result of an accident eustained in the course of my favourite recreation, tricycling, I am the victim of a most unfortunate malady, loss of memory. In the periods when this fearful darkness descends upon me,
not only do I become completely oblivious of my professorial and other official capacities (a fact which in the past has deprived me of several Chairs, as well as absenting me from countless social occasions of some importance), but I indulge in all sorts of other activities which normally I should never 'think of attempting. On the last occasion, for instance, I undertook a most interesting polar 'expeditiOn : or 'so I am assured by those who tell me that they were my companions on it, for naturally, now that I have again returned to my normal condition, I can remember nothing of it. The two polar bear cubs which are now • my constant companions, and might be taken to constitute evidence on the point, could of course have been acquired. in some other way.
You will therefore readily understand my position in the matter when I say that I have no recollection at all of having sent an entry regarding myself to the reference book which your contributor "Janus" mentions, and I can only assume that some good kind friend, aware of my predicament, sent it on My behalf. Perhaps I may have the hospitality of your columns to thank him for this thoughtful action.
One alteration should perhaps, in the interests of accuracy, be noted. The entry respecting my family should now read : Sons, 7. Daughters, 7. My wife has just been brought to -bed of a fine pair of twins. As, of course, I cannot remember the date when I last left home, this incidentally raises several