Hospital Stability Can the great voluntary hospitals go on ?
Can the varied sources of their income be so organized as to assure them the necessary stability ? The latest Statis- tical Review issued by King Edward's Hospital Fund answers these questions with the most convincing affirmative to be given for some time. The total volun- tary gifts to these hospitals in 1933 amounted to £1,830,000, some 1180,000 more than in 1932. It is true that the actual increase came through legacies, which, of course, fluctuate ; but the other elements were remarkably stable. The other big sources of income, receipts for services, also exceeded all previous figures ; it totalled over £14 minions. Add receipts for building and endowment, and there is a grand total of over /4 millions for the 145 hospitals on the list. This general good showing is accompanied by a corresponding improvement in the surpluses and deficits of the several hospitals. Having regard to the persistent growth in the scale and cost of what the hospitals attempt, it is wonderful that voluntary support should so far keep pace with them.