ARRANGING FLOWERS A useful tip about the care of flowers
comes from a Canadian reader who remarks, 'Yester- day I was reading your article about cowslips and wondered if you knew the trick of im- mersing the stems in boiling water to the depth of, say, an inch, before arranging them. . . . I treat all my flowers in the same way except, perhaps, tulips and primroses. People often ask me "how long," but I don't think the period of time in the boiling water matters, as I have often had to leave them for quite a long time before having the opportunity of arranging them. Do you know the trick, too, of chicken wire? I crumple it to fit any bowl and find it more effective than the shop things with holes in them. I just crumple it in a ball and then pull it out to fit, not stretch it across the top like a rose bowl.' I pass this on to anyone who may not have known about it and who has a flair for arranging flowers.