'Ph was evidently wounded on the s racecourse (7).
sounds as though his colours should
C fast (7). 109 Nothing bucolic about such a Pope (5). ;Ile bird was so racy (9). \')early everybody bidden to eat at the 12 enetian press (6).
S one as a result of the maternity
4 Services of the Welfare State? (8) is :lades, a ring on the telephone! (5) icl's bury class (9). i.iaguar and this he'd never seen, sang 1Pling (9). low the enterprising journalist gets al 22 bne cheese? (51
exhortation to a votary to make a
4 tlood meal in the provinces (8).
Stick it at this point exactly (6). ,
,ittat, no card? (9)
DOWN 1 A crafty Roman entertainment (9).
2 A shilling on an upturned hat of the old soldier (7).
3 Laundry work on the panel (9).
4 The tailor shouldn't suggest making batsmen's trousers of this (4).
5 Is it Val or our? (10) 6 Notched In 7 'It began —° I intended an ode' (Dobson) (I, 2, 4).
8 Do get up, Marshal, we need a leader (5).
13 His orders are 'Stick 'em up!' (10)
16 The old nag is not near (9).
17 Distributor of largesse on a railway has a long way to go (9). 19 Is woman, therefore, cruel? (7) 21 With the constable one gets into debt (7).
22 Naught among the devout produce:: names (5).
23 Equine last (5).
25 '— to every zephyr, ne'er a verse to thee' (Kingsley) (4).
Mee, will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the seeders ol the first two correct solution nod after noon on August 14 and addressed: Crossword No. 899, 99 Gower St., London, WCI
Nbers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on August 17 Solution to No. 897 on page 192
The winners ol Crossword No. 897 are: MR. Ltoran. JOSEPH, 46 Grove Avenue, N.I0, and Mrs. E. V. Suatotrr, Manor Cottage. Compton Bassett, Caine, Wilts.