Sir: Dominic Prince is right to say that a disproportionately
large amount of money goes to charities which have enough already, compared with unfashionable char- ities. For example, although of the cancers prostate cancer is now the second biggest killer of men and its death rate is increas- ing, only a small amount of funding goes into research into it and its treatment.
To meet this gap, the Prostate Cancer Charity has been established by Dr Jonathan Waxman, an internationally recognised expert in this field, and its renowned Royal Post-Graduate Medical School.
Any of your readers who would like to donate to this much-needed charity should send their donations, made out to the Prostate Cancer Charity, to it at the Ham- mersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, Lon- don W12 ONN.
Frank Steele
9 Ashley Gardens, London SW1