3 DECEMBER 1853, Page 8



The latest accounts from the Danube are unimportant in point of inci- dent. It is stated that the Turks have thrown forward a force from Ka- lafat towards Krajova, and constructed an intrenched camp for 8000 men; that they still hold the islands at Ilirsova against the Russians ; and that a body of Cossacks thrown over the river above Turtukai had been cut to pieces. With respect to the march of Osten Sacken'a corps, so many times announced as being in Moldavia, it is now asserted that it has not even entered Bessarabia. A telegraphic despatch from Vienna, dated Tuesday, says that military preparations on a large scale were going on in Wallachia. "The Russian army was expected to be soon in a condi- tion to take the offensive." The same despatch touches on the Servian question—

"The Austrian Cabinet lends its most strenuous support to the Servian declaration of neutrality in the war between Turkey and Russia. The Porte, on the other hand, does not sanction that neutrality ; and it has in- formed the Berrien Government, that if strategical necessity should com- mand it, the Sultan would make use of his power as suzerain and march his troops through Servia."

It is stated, also from 'Vienna of the above date, that the Turkish Go- TertMICUt has issued a strict prohibition against the granting of letters of marque; and that a British steamer has arrived at Varna to take of the British Consul to Constantinople.

Surprised in the Mediterranean to hear that Russia and Turkey were a war, the officer in command of a Russian corvette and two brigs, be- longing to the Black Sea fleet, has taken refuge in Trieste to avoid the risk of capture.

Two young Boyards, Gregeario and Fiotti, have been arrested and mys- teriously carried off. They had uttered something showing disaffection to Russia. Some Russian officers went to the house of Gregeario, and finding armed Boyards present, they did not attempt to arrest them : pre- sontly, however' a file of Russians and Wallachians appeared, headed by the Wallachian Minister of Police ; an uproar ensued, and Gregeario and Fiotti were simply ordered to remain in their homes. But on a subse- quent night they disappeared.

The King of Sweden in person opened the Diet on the 24th Novem- ber. In his speech, the remarkable passage annexed has attracted much attention : it is supposed to refer to the attitude of Russia in Finland and the Baltic- " Agreeably to the demands of my royal duty and the present political position of Europe, I will cause to be laid before you a statement of a com- plete system of defence. Such a system is imperatively called for in order to phice the country in a position to preserve its independence."

The Prussian Second Chamber have elected Count Schwerin President,

by 136 to 123 votes given to Prince Hohenlohe. • The Belgian Chamber of Representatives, in its sitting of Wednesday, adopted the Public Subsistence Bill, by which articles of food are author- ized to be imported free of duty. The bill was carried by 78 votes : there were no Opposition votes, but nine members abstained from voting.

Nothing has been received today to confirm the report of a Miguelite insurrection in Portugal.

Fabri, the gonfaloniere of Leghorn, was stabbed on the night of the 24th November.

A private letter from a friend at Florence says—" The vintage this year in Tuscany has been almost an entire failure, particularly in the low grounds. One proprietor, who on the average makes on his estate about 3000 barrels, this year has only made 70 barrels; and another proprietor, who on the average makes about 1600 barrels, in 1852 only made 28 barrels, and this year none at all."