3 DECEMBER 1864, Page 21


John Murray.—Modern Warfare and Modern Artillery. by C 1. naeD

Richard Bentley.—flow to Manage It, by J. 1'. Prichard. 3 vols. ; a Century of Anecdote, front 1700 to 1800, by John Timbs, 2 vole.; Belforest, by the Author of "Mary Powell," 2 vole. Macmillan and Co.—French Reeder. by E. A. Oppen ; the Works of Shakes- peare.

A. and C. Biaek.—Oswald Cray, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 3 vols. Partridge.—The Church of England Temperance Magazin.. Henry C. Bohn.—The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, by William T. Loundes.

Smith, Elder, and Co.—Margaret Den- zil's History; Celebrities of London and Paris, by Captain R. H. Gronow ; Domestic Stories, by John Halifax, Gentleman; Cranford, by Mrs. Gasket!; the English- woman in India by a Lady Resident; Stories of Old,' by Caroline Hadley ; Stories of the Apostles, by Caroline Hadley; Our Old Horne, by Nathaniel Hawthorne; the Hygiene of the Army iu India, by Stewart Clark ; The Lake

Country, by l. Lynn Linton. • 0' Byrne Brothers —The Victoria Cross. William Blackwood and Som.—Recrea- tions of Ole stoplier North, by Professor $ vols. Edward Mixon and Co.—Creseent and Other Lyrics, by H. Chelmondeley Pen- uell.

T. Nelson and Sons.—The Pentateuch and the Gospels, by J. L. Porter; Sunset in Provence, by the Author of" Great and Good." Jackson, Watford, and Co.—The Child's Commentator, by Ingram Cobbin.

A. W. Bennett.—Longfellow's Hype- rion.

John T. Shaw and Co.—Kemble's Psalms and Hymns with Music, by S. S. Wesley. Lougman and Co.—Day Dreams, by John Andrew.

Straban and Co.—Studies for Stories, 2 vole.; Good Word.. Hurst and Blackett. —Mr. S'awert's Intentions' by F. W. Robinson, 3 vole; the Gold Mine, by H. K Hunter; the Day Star Prophet, by If ra. A. Annul. Saunders, Odey, and Co.—Percy Talbot, by George Graham, 3 vole.; Amos Waters, mad Other Poem., by F. J. Forsyth.

Groombridge and Sans.—The Temple Anecdotes.

Bell and Daldy.—Festes, a Poem, by P. G. Bidlay.

Tinsley Brothers.—The Nile Basin, by Captain R. b'. Burton.