cover, but by the title on the title-page, which was
adopted after my book had been registered. Your paper is the first (of the many which have noticed my book) which has not ignored the anonymous imitation, the only attempt at originality in which is a poem which does not relate to the Georgian Jubilee at all.
Pray pardon me for thus troubling you, but your opinion is so highly valued, that when you give it under obviously mis- taken impressions it is the more vexing, especially when it damns with faint praise.—I am, Sir, &c.,
2 Crowhunst Boca, S.W., Tidy 6th. TROMAS PRESTON.
[Mr. Preston's complaint is well founded. A. too hasty in- spection of the index was the cause of our fault. But if he will consider that we had to deal with nearly four thousand pages of printed matter, and that in a very brief time, he will pardon us for being a little "cursory."—En. Spectator.]