The Peace Commissioners have virtually finished their work. The Americans
are to pay Spain £4,000,000, and the whole of the Philippine Archipelago is to be abandoned by Spain and unconditionally banded over to the United States. The exact future of the Philippines is not settled, but it is now certain that America, either by annexation or by a pro- tectorate amounting to annexation, will exercise direct con- trol. We have pointed out elsewhere how important it is that America should do nothing to shirk her full responsi- bilities in the matter, and bow, if she is wise, she will adopt the English, rather than the Continental, system of holding colonies. Under the English system what is sought for primarily and essentially is the advantage of the colony. Under the Continental system what is sought is the advantage of the mother-country. Yet, strangely enough, so fond is Providence of a paradox, the mother-country only really benefits under the system which ignores her advanta ge.